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» » An Introduction To Buddhist Ethics. Foundations, Values and Issues
An Introduction To Buddhist Ethics. Foundations, Values and Issues
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An Introduction To Buddhist Ethics. Foundations, Values and IssuesАвтор:Peter Harvey
Название: An Introduction To Buddhist Ethics. Foundations, Values and Issues
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 2000
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8.2Mb
Язык: Английский

The book applies Buddhist ethics to a range of issues of contemporary concern: humanity's relationship with the rest of nature; economics; war and peace; euthanasia; abortion; the status of women; and homosexuality. Professor Harvey draws on texts of the main Buddhist traditions, and on historical and contemporary accounts of the behaviour of Buddhists, to describe existing Buddhist ethics, to assess different views within it, and to extend its application into new areas.
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15 февраля 2013