
101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make

101 Great Gifts Kids Can MakeАвтор: Stephanie Mueller, Ann Wheeler (Author)
Название: 101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make
Издательство: Gryphon House
Год: 2012
Формат: epub/pdf
Размер: 20 Mb
Язык: Английский

Children ages three to eight can make unique presents for moms, dads, grandparents, friends, teachers—all of the special people in their lives! Create a Made-It-Myself mouse pad personalized for Mom. Dad will love the peaceful chimes of his Terracotta Music Maker, and grandparents will be delighted with the Picture Puzzle. From the card to the wrapping paper, and everything in between, 101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make has dozens of perfect gift ideas that will make gift-giving meaningful again!
07 июля 2014
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