
Nyotaika!! General Biographies in the World

Nyotaika!! General Biographies in the World
Автор: коллектив
Название: Nyotaika!! General Biographies in the World
Издательство: ?
Год: 2014
Язык: японский
Страниц: 142
Формат: JPG
Размер: 258,53 Мб
Для сайта: MirKnig.com
Illustrations of famous generals from around the world who were active in the 20th century, turned into charming ladies.
A total of 42 people from the Russo-Japanese War, World War 1 and 2, the European, North African, and Pacific Front, Cold War, right up to the turn of the century.
Includes a basic commentary and biography, and of course, a full colored artist impression.
18 июля 2014
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