
Roman and Etruscan Painting

Roman and Etruscan PaintingАвтор: Arturo Stenico
Название: Roman and Etruscan Painting
Издательство: Viking Press
Год: 1963
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 238
Язык: English
Размер: 48 MB

An acquaintance with classical art that came only from visits to major museums might well lead anyone to think that it was almost exclusively in sculpture that the ancients—the Greeks, the Etruscans, the Italic peoples and the Romans—expressed their ideals of how to represent people and things. It might also be thought that whether done in marble, stone, terracotta or bronze, ancient sculpture was never coloured. Some excuse for such notions can certainly be found in the present state of our archaeological heritage: all the same, such notions would be seriously wrong.
17 августа 2015
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