» » Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics

Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics

Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
Автор:Kolev N.I.
Название: Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5: Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Размер: 53.81mb
язык: английский
Для сайта: MirKnig.com

This Volume 5 of the successful book package "Multiphase Flow Dynamics" is devoted to nuclear thermal hydraulics which is a substantial part of nuclear reactor safety. It provides knowledge and mathematical tools for adequate description of the process of transferring the fission heat released in materials due to nuclear reactions into its environment. It step by step introduces into the heat release inside the fuel, temperature fields in the fuels, the "simple" boiling flow in a pipe described using ideas of different complexity like equilibrium, non equilibrium, homogeneity, non homogeneity.
11 сентября 2015
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