Восстановленные шедевры. 16 репродукций
12 августа 2015

Восстановленные шедевры. 16 репродукций

Название: Восстановленные шедевры. 16 репродукций Автор: Клокова Г.С. Издательство: М.: Изобразительное искусство Жанр: Искусство Год: 1982 Страниц: 22 Формат: PDF Размер: 19 МБ Качество: Отличное Язык: Русский Реставрационные работы Всероссийского художественного научнореставрационного центра имени академика И.Э. Грабаря.
10 августа 2015


Автор: Иванов А.П. Название: Врубель (2-е издание) Издательство: Петроград: Издание Н.И. Бутковской Год: 1916 Формат: PDF Размер: 20,58 MB Язык: Русский (дореформенный) Для сайта: MirKnig.com Михаил Александрович Врубель (1856–1910) был русским художником, работы которого отличались необычным стилем, сочетающем в себе элементы исконно русского искусства с западным и византийским влиянием. Родившись в Омске в семье поляка и русской женщины, он в 1874 году переехал в Санкт-Петербург, чтобы
Who Was Van Gogh?
08 августа 2015

Who Was Van Gogh?

Автор: Jean Leymarie Название: Who Was Van Gogh? Издательство: Skira Год: 1968 Формат: PDF Страниц: 218 Язык: English Размер: 40.3 MB Van gogh is one of the men to whom the fundamental question that gives its general title to this series applies most aptly and indeed most insistently. Not only the forty self-portraits painted or drawn in less than five years, but the continuous self-portrait inseparable from his life which his whole work in fact represents, together with the voluminous
The Golden Century of Venetian Painting
08 августа 2015

The Golden Century of Venetian Painting

Автор: Terisio Pignatti Название: The Golden Century of Venetian Painting Издательство: Los Angeles County Museum of Art Год: 1979 Формат: PDF Страниц: 184 Язык: English Размер: 24 MB Works by Bellini, Tintoretto, and other Venetian Renaissance artists are reproduced and accompanied by short biographies and commentaries.
The Dutch World of Painting
08 августа 2015

The Dutch World of Painting

Автор: Gary Schwartz Название: The Dutch World of Painting Издательство: Vancouver Art Gallery Год: 1986 Формат: PDF Страниц: 170 Язык: English Размер: 20.3 MB The catalogue of an exhibition of one hundred Dutch paintings held in the Vancouver Art Gallery from April 6 to June 29, 1986. Organized by the Netherlands Office for Fine Arts (Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst). The Dutch world of painting seen against the fascinating background of the society of which it was an integral part. The fully
An Introduction to Italian Renaissance Painting
08 августа 2015

An Introduction to Italian Renaissance Painting

Автор: Cecil Hilton Monk Gould Название: An Introduction to Italian Renaissance Painting Издательство: Phaidon Год: 1957 Формат: PDF Страниц: 278 Язык: English Размер: 32 MB The progress made during the past generation in specialist studies of Italian Renaissance painting has seemed to carry with it a need for some re-assessment, for the general public, of the whole field in a single volume. Mr. Gould, in undertaking this task, has regarded the selection of the plates as the first
Sargent: Painting Out-Of-Doors
06 августа 2015

Sargent: Painting Out-Of-Doors

Автор: John Esten Название: Sargent: Painting Out-Of-Doors Издательство: Universe Год: 2000 Формат: PDF Страниц: 74 Язык: English Размер: 10.4 MB A stunning collection of the artist's work created on his annual holidays.
06 августа 2015


Автор: Christopher White Название: Rembrandt Издательство: Thames & Hudson Год: 1984 Формат: PDF Страниц: 218 Язык: English Размер: 43 MB Christopher White, author of a number of highly regarded books on Rembrandt, firmly bases his study on the most thorough and up-to-date scholarly research, and builds up a sensitive, accurate and fully-rounded portrait of his life and work. The author describes the radiant happiness of Rembrandt's marriage, tragically cut short by the death of his wife,
Rembrandt and His Pupils
06 августа 2015

Rembrandt and His Pupils

Автор: Collective Название: Rembrandt and His Pupils Издательство: Robert Stockwell Limited Год: 1969 Формат: PDF Страниц: 252 Язык: English/French Размер: 30.5 MB A loan exhibition of paintings commemorating the 300th anniversary of Rembrandt, under the high patronage of His Excellency Dr. Theodorus Bot, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Canada. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, January 9-February 23, 1969; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, March 14-April 27, 1969.
Redon: Cyclops (One Hundred Paintings)
06 августа 2015

Redon: Cyclops (One Hundred Paintings)

Автор: Federico Zeri Название: Redon: Cyclops (One Hundred Paintings) Издательство: NDE Publishing Год: 2001 Формат: PDF Страниц: 56 Язык: English Размер: 15.3 MB These richly illustrated art books cover several centuries of great artists and their masterworks. From Arcimboldo to Schiele, each artist's life and times, influences, legacy, and style are explored in depth. Each book analyzes a particular painting with regard to the history surrounding it, the techniques used to create it, and
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