
The Earth System (3rd Edition)

The Earth System (3rd Edition)Автор: Lee R. Kump, James F. Kasting, Robert G. Crane
Название: The Earth System (3rd Edition)
Издательство: Prentice Hall
Год: 2009
Формат: PDF
Размер: 40.8 Mb
Язык: Английский

The first book of its kind to address the issues of global change from a true Earth systems perspective, The Earth System offers a solid emphasis on lessons from Earth's history that may guide decision-making in the future. The authors' systems theory approach looks holistically at all that happens on Earth and the interactions of all that is here—such as the effect of weather on land, the effect of erosion on the ocean, the chemical changes that occur—and emphasizes that these processes do not happen in a vacuum. An emphasis on global change addresses such modern issues as global warming, ozone depletion, and biodiversity loss.A variety of boxed inserts address topical issues related to the material presented, giving readers appealing visual and highlighted aids.
25 июля 2014
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