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Best 100 Smoothies for Kids: Incredibly Nutritious and Totally Delicious No-Sugar-Added Smoothies for Any Time of Day » Софтовичок.


Best 100 Smoothies for Kids: Incredibly Nutritious and Totally Delicious No-Sugar-Added Smoothies for Any Time of Day

  • Дата: 13-07-2015, 20:02
  • Категория: Книги
  • Автор: admin
Best 100 Smoothies for Kids: Incredibly Nutritious and Totally Delicious No-Sugar-Added Smoothies for Any Time of Day
Название: Best 100 Smoothies for Kids: Incredibly Nutritious and Totally Delicious No-Sugar-Added Smoothies for Any Time of Day
Автор: Deborah Harroun
Издательство: Harvard Common Press
Год: 2015
ISBN-10: 1558328475
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 5,5 mb
Страниц: 208
We all know how important it is to give our kids a healthy, balanced diet. But how best to make sure they are getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need when fruits and vegetables are some of the least favorite items on their plate? Popular food writer, blogger and mother of three Deborah Harroun has the answer in 100 delightfully flavorful and nutritious recipes for kid-friendly smoothies. Her newest cookbook, BEST 100 SMOOTHIES FOR KIDS offers up kid-test and kid-approved recipes that are sure to please everyone in the family. The book includes recipes for fruit- and vegetable-based juices, as well as a variety that combine fruits and veggies or get their flavor and nutrients from things other than produce. The chapters include Breakfast Smoothies, Lunch and Lunchbox Smoothies, Snacktime Smoothies, Smoothies for Dinner, and Dessert Smoothies. Two special chapters cover Holiday Smoothies, such as pumpkin-flavored smoothies for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and Bedtime Smoothies, made with tryptophan-rich milk bases and with soothing ingredients like chamomile, cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon. What’s better than a well-fed and happy child who falls asleep easily after a busy day?



    «    Июль 2015    »

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